Your programmer personality type is:


You're a Planner.
You may be slow, but you'll usually find the best solution. If something's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

You like coding at a High level.
The world is made up of objects and components, you should create your programs in the same way.

You work best in a Team.
A good group is better than the sum of it's parts. The only thing better than a genius programmer is a cohesive group of genius programmers.

You are a liBeral programmer.
Programming is a complex task and you should use white space and comments as freely as possible to help simplify the task. We're not writing on paper anymore so we can take up as much room as we need.

Avevi per caso dubbi sul mio conto?

Ciao, Ricky.

Ing. Riccardo Golia
Microsoft MVP ASP.NET/IIS Content Manager
rickyvr ha scritto:
Your programmer personality type is PHTB
Avevi per caso dubbi sul mio conto?

No, nel tuo caso era abbastanza scontato il risultato.
Medita sulla "P", Ricky, medita...

Matteo Casati
Non c'è da meditare, sono contento della P...
Chi mi conosce, sa che è così.

Ciao, Ricky.

Ing. Riccardo Golia
Microsoft MVP ASP.NET/IIS Content Manager

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