Oddio...e come faccio????.....sinceramente sono alla prime armi con asp e non so molto dove mettere mano sul codici..il codice che uso per mandare i mess è questo...non è che potresti dirmi dove modificarlo...sempre che non ti distrurbi, ma è vitale praticamente che io riesca a inserire i mess privati nella chat.
Scusa il distrubo e grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Dim Text, TempArray
If Not Request("Message") = "" Or Not Request("Emotion") = "" Then
Text = CStr(Replace(Request("Message"),"'","`"))
If Application("TPlace") > 49 Then
Application("TPlace") = 0
End If
If (Left(UCase(Text),2) = "/H") Or (Left(Text,2) = "/?") Or (UCase(Text) = "HELP") Then
<script language="JavaScript">
// -->
ElseIf Left(UCase(Text),2) = "/Q" Then
If Application("TPlace") > 49 Then
Application("TPlace") = 0
End If
TempArray = Application("Talk")
TempArray(Application("TPLACE")) = "<img src=Images/Exit.gif> " & "<b>" & Session("ID") & "</b><font color=red> has left. " & Now() & "</font>"
Application("Talk") = TempArray
Application("TPlace") = Application("TPlace")+1
<script language="JavaScript">
ElseIf Left(UCase(Text),2) = "/R" Then
'Change the refresh rate
Dim Refresh
Refresh = UCase(Text)
Refresh = Replace(Refresh, "/R", "")
'We should be left with a number
If IsNumeric(Refresh) Then
Session("Refresh") = Refresh
End If
Text = CheckProfanity( Text )'Check for Profanity
If Left(UCase(text),3) = "ZZZ" Then text = "I'm falling asleep here. Is anyone home?!"
text = CStr(Replace(text,"<","<"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,">",">"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-)", "<img src='1.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,";-)", "<img src='20.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-(", "<img src='3.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-|", "<img src='4.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-@", "<img src='5.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-?", "<img src='6.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-!", "<img src='7.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(s)", "<img src='8.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(h)", "<img src='9.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":(", "<img src='10.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":_(", "<img src='12.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(sorrisone)", "<img src='13.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":)", "<img src='14.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(b)", "<img src='15.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(baz)", "<img src='16.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(sadik)", "<img src='17.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(besos)", "<img src='18.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(torta)", "<img src='19.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(bm!)", "<img src='21.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-d", "<img src='25.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(i)", "<img src='22.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(l)", "<img src='23.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,"(inc)", "<img src='24.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":-o", "<img src='26.gif'>"))
text = CStr(Replace(text,":p", "<img src='27.gif'>"))
'Replace words with symbols
'text = CStr(Replace(UCase(text), "LOVE", "<img src='9.gif'>"))
TempArray = Application("Talk")
TempArray(Application("TPLACE")) ="<img src=logomini.gif><font face=tahoma size=1><b> " & Session("ID") & "</b>: </font><font face=tahoma color=maroon size=1>" & Request.Form("emotion") & "</b></font>" & text & "</b></font>"
Application("Talk") = TempArray
Application("TPlace") = Application("TPlace")+1
End If
End If
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<table width="640" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="0">
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<div align="left"><img src="index.jpg" width="296" height="128"></div>
Function CheckProfanity( Text )
Dim arrSwear, x, n
'Get the Arrays
arrSwear = Application("SwearWords")
Text = Split(Text, " ")
For x = LBound(Text) To UBound(Text)
'Check if it is profane
For n = LBound(arrSwear) To UBound(arrSwear)
If InStr(UCase(Text(x)), arrSwear(n)) > 0 Then
Text(x) = "@#$"
Exit For
End If
CheckProfanity = Join(Text, " ")
End Function