1 messaggio dal 31 marzo 2023
Want to remove your Apple Watch from your iPhone? Before moving to our main agenda, you have to remember that before unpair the watch from your iPhone, you have to remove your transit card. Then you have to follow the commands below to unpair your watch:
1. Launch the watch app on iPhone
2. Now, click on All watches at the top of the tab of My Watch
3. You will see the info icon (i) along with the watch that you want to disconnect, click on that icon.
4. When you redirect to the next page, scroll down and click on Unpair Apple Watch

Source: https://getassist.net/how-to-unpair-apple-watch/
Modificato da rosewattson il 31 marzo 2023 13:19 -
Modificato da rosewattson il 31 marzo 2023 13:21 -

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