11 messaggi dal 24 marzo 2006
Ciao a tutti avendo questo codice:

dim a_messages
dim a_attachments

function SendMail(mailserver, recipient_name, recipient_address, sender_name, sender_address, subject, body)

  dim a_recipient_address
  dim a_recipient_name

  if mailserver = "" or isnull(mailserver) then mailserver = application("smtp_server")

  if sender_name = "" or isnull(sender_name) then sender_name = application("from_name")
  if sender_address = "" or isnull(sender_address) then sender_address = application("from_address")

  select case application("email_component")
case "cdosys"
set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
  set mailcon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")

  With mailcon
  'SMTP server
  .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.aruba.it"

  'SMTP port
  .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25

  'CDO Port
  .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2

  .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60

  End With
  Set mail.Configuration = mailcon

  With mail
  .From = sender_address
  .To = recipient_address

  .Subject = subject
  .HTMLBody = body

end with
  '' send the mail
  on error resume next
  if Err.Number = 0 then
    sendmail = 1
    sendmail = -1
  end if
  on error goto 0

  end select
end function

function SendAppEmail(message_id, user_param, user_cc_param, keyfield_param)

  dim rs, sql
  dim subject, body
  dim i
  send_count = 0

non riesco a capire perchè non invia l'email premetto che il server su cui risiede è Aruba, alcuni mi hanno detto che l'errore sta nel non aver specificato l'indirizzo dell'email qui:
Set mail.Configuration = mailcon

  With mail
  .From = sender_address
  .To = recipient_address

  .Subject = subject
  .HTMLBody = body
end with
ma dato che sono a zero di asp, non saprei dove mettere le mani,mi affido alla vostra bravura nella speranza che riesca a mandare questa email.
Grazie !
394 messaggi dal 11 agosto 2004
prova con questo:
sub inviomail(nomemittente,mittente,destinatario,oggetto,username,password)
Set objMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objCDOSYSCon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")
Set objMessage.Configuration = objCDOSYSCon
With objMessage
.Configuration.Fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance").Value = 1
.Configuration.fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:read-receipt-notification-to") = mittente
.Configuration.fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:disposition-notification-to") = mittente
.Configuration.fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:return-receipt-to") = mittente
.DSNOptions = 14
.MDNRequested = true
.DSNOptions = cdoDSNSuccessFailOrDelay
.To = mails
.From = nomemittente & "<" & mittente & ">"
.subject = oggetto
bjMessage.Configuration.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/urlgetlatestversion") = True
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.aruba.it"
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = username
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = password
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
End Sub

inviomail(Gigi,gigi@gigi.it,luigino@luigino.it,ciao come va?,aruba,aruba)
11 messaggi dal 24 marzo 2006
Mi dà errore...
il problema è che non sono sicura di aver incollato al posto giusto il tuo codice non so se avevo premesso che questo codice da me postato si riferisce ad uno script
per forum ed ha la funzione di inviare l'email a chi l'ha dimenticata.
Posto tutto il codice della pagina così puoi inserire il tuo al posto giusto:
dim a_messages
dim a_attachments

function SendMail(mailserver, recipient_name, recipient_address, sender_name, sender_address, subject, body)

dim a_recipient_address
dim a_recipient_name

if mailserver = "" or isnull(mailserver) then mailserver = application("smtp_server")

if sender_name = "" or isnull(sender_name) then sender_name = application("from_name")
if sender_address = "" or isnull(sender_address) then sender_address = application("from_address")

select case application("email_component")
case "cdosys"
set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set mailcon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")

With mailcon

'SMTP server
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.aruba.it"

'SMTP port
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25

'CDO Port
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2

.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60

End With

Set mail.Configuration = mailcon

With mail
.From = sender_address
.To = recipient_address

.Subject = subject
.HTMLBody = body

end with

'' send the mail
on error resume next
if Err.Number = 0 then
sendmail = 1
sendmail = -1
end if
on error goto 0

end select

end function

function SendAppEmail(message_id, user_param, user_cc_param, keyfield_param)

dim rs, sql
dim subject, body
dim i

send_count = 0 

set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT body, subject, send_to_custom, sql_user_query, sql_user_cc_query, sql_vars_query FROM Newsletters WHERE newsletter_id =" & to_sql(message_id,"number"))
  if not rs.EOF then
    body = rs("body")
    subject = rs("subject")
    send_to_custom = rs("send_to_custom")
    recipients_sql = rs("sql_user_query")
    cc_recipients_sql = rs("sql_user_cc_query")
    vars_sql = rs("sql_vars_query")
    error_list.add "nomessage", "The newsletter (message) #" & message_id & "does not exist."
    SendAppEmail = -1
    exit function
  end if
  ':: select user list from passed recipient user_param
  if len(user_param)>0 AND not isnull(recipients_sql) then recipients_sql = replace(recipients_sql,"?",user_param)

  ':: open recordset that contains message variables ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  if len(vars_sql)>0 then
  vars_sql = replace(vars_sql,"?",keyfield_param)
  set rs = cn.Execute(vars_sql)
  if rs.EOF then
    error_list.add "novarsrs", "Variable recordset could not be created. Please check the variable SQL query and parameter value."
    exit function
  ':: repeating vars in body?
  if inStr(body,"{|b|}")>0 AND inStr(body,"{|e|}")>0 then
    start_body = left(body,inStr(body,"{|b|}")-1)
    end_body = right(body,(len(body)-inStr(body,"{|e|}")-4))
    ':: repeating row
    length = inStr(body,"{|e|}")-inStr(body,"{|b|}")-5
    repeating_row = mid(body,inStr(body,"{|b|}")+5,length)
    start_body = body
    end_body = ""
  end if
  do until rs.EOF
    ':: contruct body by replacing each variable
    ':: in message body with field value
    tmp_buf = repeating_row
    for i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
      V = rs.Fields(i).value
      N = rs.Fields(i).name
      if isNull(V) then V=""  
      tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
      start_body = replace(start_body,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
      end_body = replace(end_body,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
      subject = replace(subject,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
    mid_body = mid_body & tmp_buf
  end if
  body = start_body & mid_body & end_body
  end if
  ':: replace application vars in message :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  aTmp = array("site_label","site_title","site_root","secure_site_root","from_address","from_name")
  for each thing in aTmp
    if isNull(application(thing)) then application(thing) = ""
    body = replace(body,"{|"&thing&"|}",application(thing))
    subject = replace(subject,"{|"&thing&"|}",application(thing))

  ':: send to custom list
  if len(send_to_custom)>1 then
  a_sendlist = split(send_to_custom,",")
  for i = 0 to uBound(a_sendlist)
    tmp_buf = body
    recipient_name = a_sendlist(i)
    recipient_address = recipient_name
    ':: add user if email doesn't exist in database
    set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT user_id, user_name, email FROM Users WHERE email=" & to_sql(recipient_address,"text"))
    if rs.EOF then cn.Execute("INSERT INTO Users (email, accesslevel) VALUES (" & to_sql(recipient_address,"text") & ", 0)")  
    tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|user_name|}",recipient_name)
    tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|email|}",recipient_address)

    ':: send the mail
    retv = SendMail(NULL, recipient_name, recipient_address, sender_name, sender_address, subject, tmp_buf)
    if retv = 1 then send_count = send_count + 1

  end if

  ':: open recipients recordset and send to each recipient
  if len(recipients_sql)>0 then
  'response.write recipients_sql
  set rs = cn.Execute(recipients_sql)
  do until rs.EOF
    tmp_body = body
    tmp_subject = subject
    user_name = rs("user_name")
    email = rs("email")
    if isNull(user_name) or user_name="" then user_name=email
    ':: replace any user vars in mail message
    tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|user_name|}",user_name)
    tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|email|}",email)
    for i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
        V = rs.Fields(i).value
        N = rs.Fields(i).name
        if isNull(V) then V=""  
        tmp_body = replace(tmp_body,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
        tmp_subject = replace(tmp_subject,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
    retv = SendMail(null, user_name, email, application("from_name"), application("from_address"), tmp_subject, tmp_body)
    ':: uncomment the line below to display recipients
    'if retv=1 then msg_list.add "to" & send_count, email
    if retv=1 then send_count = send_count + 1
  end if
  ':: open cc recipients recordset and send to each cc recipient
  if len(cc_recipients_sql)>0 then
  if not isNull(user_cc_param) then cc_recipients_sql = replace(cc_recipients_sql,"?",user_cc_param)
  if inStr(cc_recipients_sql,"?")=0 then
  set rs = cn.Execute(cc_recipients_sql)
  do until rs.EOF
    user_name = rs("user_name")
    email = rs("email")
    if isNull(user_name) or user_name="" then user_name=email
    ':: replace any user vars in mail message
    body = replace(body,"{|user_name|}",user_name)
    body = replace(body,"{|email|}",email)
    retv = SendMail(null, user_name, email, application("from_name"), application("from_address"), subject, body)
    ':: uncomment the line below to display cc recipients
    'if retv=1 then msg_list.add "to" & send_count, email
    if retv=1 then send_count = send_count + 1
  end if
  end if
  ':: return
  SendAppEMail = send_count

end function

function CheckMail(mailserver, username, password)
  ':: checks for new messages on server 
  ':: stores data in gloabl message and attachment arrays

  dim i_msgs

  set mail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.POP3")
  'on error resume next
  mail.connect username, password, mailserver
  if err.number <> 0 then 
    checkmail = -1
    exit function
  end if
  i_msgs = mail.Count
  redim a_messages(6,i_msgs)
  for i = i_msgs to 1 step -1
    'get messages
    set msg = mail.Messages.item(i)
    a_messages(0,i) = msg.ContentType
    a_messages(1,i) = msg.From
    a_messages(2,i) = msg.FromName
    a_messages(3,i) = msg.Subject
    a_messages(4,i) = msg.Date
    a_messages(5,i) = msg.Size
    a_messages(6,i) = msg.Attachments.Count
    if a_messages(6,i) > 0 then
      'get attachments
      redim a_attachments(4,a_messages(6,i)-1)
      for j = 0 to uBound(a_attachments)
        set attach = msg.Attachments.item(j+1)
        a_attachments(0,j) = attach.ContentType
           a_attachments(1,j) = attach.isInline
        a_attachments(2,j) = attach.Name
        a_attachments(3,j) = attach.Size
    end if
  checkmail = i_msgs
  set mail = nothing
end function

394 messaggi dal 11 agosto 2004
non so se hai risolto ma non mi hai mai detto che errore ti da!
Comunque il problema potrebbe essere che alla fine usi un compnente JMAIL.. sicusa che Aruba lo supporti? Informati! :)
Prova con questo codice:
dim a_messages
dim a_attachments

function SendMail(mailserver, recipient_name, recipient_address, sender_name, sender_address, subject, body)

dim a_recipient_address
dim a_recipient_name

if mailserver = "" or isnull(mailserver) then mailserver = application("smtp_server")

if sender_name = "" or isnull(sender_name) then sender_name = application("from_name")
if sender_address = "" or isnull(sender_address) then sender_address = application("from_address")

select case application("email_component")
case "cdosys"
set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set mailcon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")

With mailcon
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/urlgetlatestversion") = True
.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = username
.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = password
.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
'SMTP server
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.aruba.it"

'SMTP port
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25

'CDO Port
.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2

.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60

End With

Set mail.Configuration = mailcon

With mail
.From = sender_address
.To = recipient_address

.Subject = subject
.HTMLBody = body

end with

'' send the mail
on error resume next
if Err.Number = 0 then
sendmail = 1
sendmail = -1
end if
on error goto 0

end select

end function

function SendAppEmail(message_id, user_param, user_cc_param, keyfield_param)

dim rs, sql
dim subject, body
dim i

send_count = 0

set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT body, subject, send_to_custom, sql_user_query, sql_user_cc_query, sql_vars_query FROM Newsletters WHERE newsletter_id =" & to_sql(message_id,"number"))
if not rs.EOF then
body = rs("body")
subject = rs("subject")
send_to_custom = rs("send_to_custom")
recipients_sql = rs("sql_user_query")
cc_recipients_sql = rs("sql_user_cc_query")
vars_sql = rs("sql_vars_query")
error_list.add "nomessage", "The newsletter (message) #" & message_id & "does not exist."
SendAppEmail = -1
exit function
end if

':: select user list from passed recipient user_param
if len(user_param)>0 AND not isnull(recipients_sql) then recipients_sql = replace(recipients_sql,"?",user_param)

':: open recordset that contains message variables ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
if len(vars_sql)>0 then

vars_sql = replace(vars_sql,"?",keyfield_param)
set rs = cn.Execute(vars_sql)
if rs.EOF then
error_list.add "novarsrs", "Variable recordset could not be created. Please check the variable SQL query and parameter value."
exit function

':: repeating vars in body?
if inStr(body,"{|b|}")>0 AND inStr(body,"{|e|}")>0 then
start_body = left(body,inStr(body,"{|b|}")-1)
end_body = right(body,(len(body)-inStr(body,"{|e|}")-4))

':: repeating row
length = inStr(body,"{|e|}")-inStr(body,"{|b|}")-5
repeating_row = mid(body,inStr(body,"{|b|}")+5,length)
start_body = body
end_body = ""
end if

do until rs.EOF
':: contruct body by replacing each variable
':: in message body with field value
tmp_buf = repeating_row
for i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
V = rs.Fields(i).value
N = rs.Fields(i).name
if isNull(V) then V=""
tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
start_body = replace(start_body,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
end_body = replace(end_body,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
subject = replace(subject,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
mid_body = mid_body & tmp_buf
end if

body = start_body & mid_body & end_body

end if

':: replace application vars in message :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
aTmp = array("site_label","site_title","site_root","secure_site_root","from_address","from_name")
for each thing in aTmp
if isNull(application(thing)) then application(thing) = ""
body = replace(body,"{|"&thing&"|}",application(thing))
subject = replace(subject,"{|"&thing&"|}",application(thing))

':: send to custom list
if len(send_to_custom)>1 then

a_sendlist = split(send_to_custom,",")
for i = 0 to uBound(a_sendlist)

tmp_buf = body
recipient_name = a_sendlist(i)
recipient_address = recipient_name

':: add user if email doesn't exist in database
set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT user_id, user_name, email FROM Users WHERE email=" & to_sql(recipient_address,"text"))
if rs.EOF then cn.Execute("INSERT INTO Users (email, accesslevel) VALUES (" & to_sql(recipient_address,"text") & ", 0)")
tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|user_name|}",recipient_name)
tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|email|}",recipient_address)

':: send the mail
retv = SendMail(NULL, recipient_name, recipient_address, sender_name, sender_address, subject, tmp_buf)
if retv = 1 then send_count = send_count + 1

end if

':: open recipients recordset and send to each recipient
if len(recipients_sql)>0 then
'response.write recipients_sql
set rs = cn.Execute(recipients_sql)
do until rs.EOF

tmp_body = body
tmp_subject = subject
user_name = rs("user_name")
email = rs("email")
if isNull(user_name) or user_name="" then user_name=email
':: replace any user vars in mail message
tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|user_name|}",user_name)
tmp_buf = replace(tmp_buf,"{|email|}",email)

for i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
V = rs.Fields(i).value
N = rs.Fields(i).name
if isNull(V) then V=""
tmp_body = replace(tmp_body,"{|"&N&"|}",V)
tmp_subject = replace(tmp_subject,"{|"&N&"|}",V)

retv = SendMail(null, user_name, email, application("from_name"), application("from_address"), tmp_subject, tmp_body)
':: uncomment the line below to display recipients
'if retv=1 then msg_list.add "to" & send_count, email
if retv=1 then send_count = send_count + 1

end if

':: open cc recipients recordset and send to each cc recipient
if len(cc_recipients_sql)>0 then

if not isNull(user_cc_param) then cc_recipients_sql = replace(cc_recipients_sql,"?",user_cc_param)

if inStr(cc_recipients_sql,"?")=0 then
set rs = cn.Execute(cc_recipients_sql)
do until rs.EOF
user_name = rs("user_name")
email = rs("email")
if isNull(user_name) or user_name="" then user_name=email
':: replace any user vars in mail message
body = replace(body,"{|user_name|}",user_name)
body = replace(body,"{|email|}",email)
retv = SendMail(null, user_name, email, application("from_name"), application("from_address"), subject, body)
':: uncomment the line below to display cc recipients
'if retv=1 then msg_list.add "to" & send_count, email
if retv=1 then send_count = send_count + 1
end if

end if

':: return
SendAppEMail = send_count

end function

function CheckMail(mailserver, username, password)
':: checks for new messages on server
':: stores data in gloabl message and attachment arrays

dim i_msgs

set mail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.POP3")
'on error resume next
mail.connect username, password, mailserver

if err.number <> 0 then
checkmail = -1
exit function
end if

i_msgs = mail.Count
redim a_messages(6,i_msgs)

for i = i_msgs to 1 step -1
'get messages
set msg = mail.Messages.item(i)
a_messages(0,i) = msg.ContentType
a_messages(1,i) = msg.From
a_messages(2,i) = msg.FromName
a_messages(3,i) = msg.Subject
a_messages(4,i) = msg.Date
a_messages(5,i) = msg.Size
a_messages(6,i) = msg.Attachments.Count
if a_messages(6,i) > 0 then
'get attachments
redim a_attachments(4,a_messages(6,i)-1)
for j = 0 to uBound(a_attachments)
set attach = msg.Attachments.item(j+1)
a_attachments(0,j) = attach.ContentType
a_attachments(1,j) = attach.isInline
a_attachments(2,j) = attach.Name
a_attachments(3,j) = attach.Size
end if

checkmail = i_msgs

set mail = nothing

end function


Modificato da Maxiz il 27 settembre 2007 10.58 -

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