3 messaggi dal 27 febbraio 2007
c'è qualche anima gentile che può risolvere questo mio problema??

ho un database di access dove carico i dati delle spedizioni con i seguenti campi..
id - data - committente - mittente - indirizzo - localita - servizio - autista - destinatario - via - citta - colli - peso - volume - contrassegno - note - data_consegna - esito.

partendo dal presupposto che il campo "committente" è univoco e che la user al cliente la assegno io in base proprio a questo campo, vorrei che quando uno di essi inserisce i dati nella pagina di login visualizzi solo ed esclusivamente le sue spedizioni..si può fare? e come.. grazie!
ps. la pagina di visualizzazione spedizioni esiste già, ma è comune a tutti e questo non è giusto, ognuno deve visualizzare solo le proprie, di seguito riporto la pagina dati_list.asp

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<link REL="stylesheet" href="include/style.css" type="text/css">

If Session("UserID")="" then
Response.Write "<p>Your session has expired. Please <a href=""login.asp"">login</a> again</p>"
End If
if ( CheckSecurity("", "Add")<>True and CheckSecurity("", "Search")<>True )Then
Response.Write "<p>You don't have permissions to access this table. <a href=""login.asp"">Back to login page</a></p>"
end if

<!--#include file="include/dati_dbconnection.asp"-->
<!--#include file="include/dati_variables.asp"-->
<!--#include file="include/dati_aspfunctions.asp"-->

Session.LCID = 1040
On Error Resume Next

Dim rs, dbConnection

Call CalculateOrderBy

if request.Form("action")="" then
Session(strTableName & "SQL")=""

end if

if TargetPageNumber="" or Request.Form("action")="search" then _

if Request.Form("PageSize")<>"" then
Session("PageSize") = Request.Form("PageSize")
end if
if Session("PageSize")<>"" then PageSize = Session("PageSize")

' delete record
if (Request.Form("mdelete")<>"") then

set dbConnection = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
dbConnection.ConnectionString = strConnection
Call ReportError

for i=1 to request.form("mdelete").count
ind = CInt(request.form("mdelete")(i))
strSQL="delete from " & strTableName & _
" where " & AddWrappers(strKeyField) & "=" & gstrQuote & Replace(request.form("mdelete1")(ind), "'", "''") & gstrQuote
if strKeyField2<>"" then _
strSQL = strSQL & " and " & AddWrappers(strKeyField2) & "=" & gstrQuote2 & Replace(request.form("mdelete2")(ind), "'", "''") & gstrQuote2
if strKeyField3<>"" then _
strSQL = strSQL & " and " & AddWrappers(strKeyField3) & "=" & gstrQuote3 & Replace(request.form("mdelete3")(ind), "'", "''") & gstrQuote3

dbConnection.Execute strSQL
Call ReportError

set dbConnection = nothing
end if

if Request.Form("action")<>"Search" and Request.Form("action")<>"AdvancedSearch" and Len(Session(strTableName & "SQL"))>3 then
strSQL=Session(strTableName & "SQL")
if strOrderBy<>"" then
if InStr(1, strSQL, "order by")>0 then
strSQL = Left(strSQL,InStr(1, strSQL, "order by")-1) & strOrderBy
strSQL = strSQL & strOrderBy
end if
end if
if gstrSQL="" then
strSQL="select * from " & strTableName
strSQL = gstrSQL
if LCase(Left(strSQL,7)) = "select " then
if not InSQL(strKeyField, gstrSQL) then strSQL = "select " & AddWrappers(strKeyField) & ", " & Mid(strSQL, 8)
if not InSQL(strKeyField2, gstrSQL) then strSQL = "select " & AddWrappers(strKeyField2) & ", " & Mid(strSQL, 8)
if not InSQL(strKeyField3, gstrSQL) then strSQL = "select " & AddWrappers(strKeyField3) & ", " & Mid(strSQL, 8)

if RemoveWrappers("[]")<>"" and not InSQL("[]", gstrSQL) then strSQL = "select " & AddWrappers("[]") & ", " & Mid(strSQL, 8)
end if
end if

' see if we have some search parameters
' regular search
if Request.Form("action")="Search" and ( Request.Form("SearchFor")<>"" or Request.Form("SearchOption")="IsNull") then

if Request.Form("SearchField")<>"AnyField" then
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(Request.Form("SearchField")))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = " where " & AddWrappers(Request.Form("SearchField")) & StrWhere(Request.Form("SearchField"), strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if
strAdd = " where 1=0"

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("ID"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("ID") & StrWhere("ID", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("data"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("data") & StrWhere("data", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("committente"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("committente") & StrWhere("committente", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("mittente"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("mittente") & StrWhere("mittente", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("indirizzo"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("indirizzo") & StrWhere("indirizzo", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("localita"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("localita") & StrWhere("localita", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("ddt"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("ddt") & StrWhere("ddt", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("servizio"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("servizio") & StrWhere("servizio", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("autista"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("autista") & StrWhere("autista", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("destinatario"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("destinatario") & StrWhere("destinatario", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("via"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("via") & StrWhere("via", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("citta"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("citta") & StrWhere("citta", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("colli"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("colli") & StrWhere("colli", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("peso"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("peso") & StrWhere("peso", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("volume"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("volume") & StrWhere("volume", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("contrassegno"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("contrassegno") & StrWhere("contrassegno", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("note"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("note") & StrWhere("note", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("data_consegna"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("data_consegna") & StrWhere("data_consegna", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType("esito"))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
strAdd = strAdd & " or " & AddWrappers("esito") & StrWhere("esito", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "")
end if

end if
if InStr(strSQL, " where ") > 0 then strAdd = " and (" & Mid(strAdd, 8) & " ) "
strSQL = strSQL & strAdd
end if

' advanced search
if Request.Form("action")="AdvancedSearch" then
For i = 1 To Request.Form("SearchFor").Count
if strSearchFor<>"" or Request.Form("SearchOption")(i)="IsNull" then
if sWhere="" then sWhere=" where 1=1"
if (IsNumeric(strSearchFor) and (strSearchFor2="" or IsNumeric(strSearchFor2))) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(Request.Form("FieldName")(i)))="True" or _
strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then
sWhere = sWhere & " and " & AddWrappers(Request.Form("FieldName")(i)) & StrWhere(Request.Form("FieldName")(i), strSearchFor, strSearchOption, strSearchFor2)
end if
end if
if InStr(strSQL, " where ") > 0 then sWhere = " and (" & Mid(sWhere, 8) & " ) "
strSQL = strSQL & sWhere
end if

strSQL = strSQL & " " & Trim(strOrderBy)
end if

Session(strTableName & "SQL") = strSQL

Response.Write("<title>" & strTableName & "</title>")
Response.Write("<body topmargin=5 bgcolor=white")
if Request.Form<>"" then Response.Write(" onLoad=""if (document.frmAdmin.SearchFor != null) document.frmAdmin.SearchFor.focus();""")

<!-- log out form -->
<form name=logout method=post action="login.asp">
<input type=hidden name=action value="logout">

<!-- edit form -->
<form method="POST" action="dati_edit.asp" name="editform">
<input type=hidden id="editid" name="editid" value="" >
<input type=hidden id="editid2" name="editid2" value="" >
<input type=hidden id="editid3" name="editid3" value="" >
<input type=hidden id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value=<%=TargetPageNumber%>>
<input type=hidden id="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField)%>" name="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField)%>" value="">
<input type=hidden id="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField2)%>" name="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField2)%>" value="">
<input type=hidden id="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField3)%>" name="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField3)%>" value="">
<input type=hidden id="todo" name="todo" value="view">
<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">


' Pagination: Control Variables
dim iNumberOfRows
dim maxRecords
dim maxpages
dim mypage
iNumberOfRows =0
maxRecords = 0
maxpages = 0
mypage = TargetPageNumber
if mypage = "" then mypage =1
if CDBL(mypage)<=0 then mypage =1

<table align='center' border='0' width="735">
<td width=10 style="border: 1px solid #800000">
<img border="0" src="logo_piccolo.jpg" width="123" height="32"></td>

If Session("UserID")<>"" Then
<td align=center style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #800000">
<font color="#9CADA3">Benvenuto</font>&nbsp;&nbsp; <b><%=Session("UserID")%></b> &nbsp;
<td width=20 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #800000" bgcolor="#CCFF66"><a href="#" onclick="document.forms.logout.submit();return true;">
<font face="Tahoma" size="3" color="#CC3300">Esci</font></a>
<% End If %>

<% if CheckSecurity("", "Export")=True then %>

<td align=center style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #800000">
<a href="dati_export.asp" onClick="document.exportto.submit();return false;">
<font face="Tahoma">Esporta dati</font></a>
<td width=20 style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; ">&nbsp;</td>

<td align=center style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #800000">
<a href="dati_print.asp" onClick="document.printerfriendly.submit();return false;">
<img src="images/printer.gif" border=0><font face="Tahoma">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Stampa la pagina</font></a>
<td width=9 style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; ">&nbsp;</td>

<% end if %>


<%' Control Functions %>
<form method="POST" action="" name="frmAdmin">

<input type="hidden" id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value="1" >
<input type="hidden" id="cmdGotoPage" name="cmdGotoPage">
<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="Search">
<input type="hidden" id="orderby" name="orderby" value="<%=strOrderBy%>">
<input type="hidden" id="PageSize" name="PageSize" value="<%=Session("PageSize")%>">
<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">

<script language="JavaScript" src="include/jsfunctions.js">
var bSelected=false;
function GotoPage(nPageNumber)
document.forms.frmAdmin.cmdGotoPage.value = 'GotoPage';
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'goto';
document.forms.frmAdmin.TargetPageNumber.value = nPageNumber;

set rs = setupRs(strConnection,strSQL,PageSize)
Call ReportError

<% if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then %>

<%' Pagination: Write Search result Header%>
<table rows='1' cols='1' align='center' width='95%' border='0'>
<tr><td align="right">

<TR><TD BGCOLOR=black align=center>

<table border=0 width=100% CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=1><tr valign=center>

<% if CheckSecurity("", "Add")=True then %>
<!-- Add new record -->
<td align=center class='shade' style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; background-color: #CCCC00">
<a href=spedizioni.asp
onClick="javascript: document.forms.editform.action='spedizioni.asp';
document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'add';
document.forms.editform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>; document.forms.editform.submit(); return false;" >Aggiungi</a>
<% end if %>

<!-- Search form -->
<td align=center valign=middle class=shade>
<b><font face="Tahoma">Cerca per:</font> </b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<SELECT ID="SearchField" NAME="SearchField" SIZE="1">
<OPTION VALUE="AnyField">Tutto</option>

<OPTION VALUE="data"><%=Label("data")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="committente"><%=Label("committente")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="mittente"><%=Label("mittente")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="localita"><%=Label("localita")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="ddt"><%=Label("ddt")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="servizio"><%=Label("servizio")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="autista"><%=Label("autista")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="destinatario"><%=Label("destinatario")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="citta"><%=Label("citta")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="data_consegna"><%=Label("data_consegna")%></option>

<OPTION VALUE="esito"><%=Label("esito")%></option>


<SELECT ID="SearchOption" NAME="SearchOption" SIZE="1">
<OPTION VALUE="Contains">Che contiene</option>
<OPTION VALUE="Equals">Uguale a</option>
<OPTION VALUE="Starts with ...">Comincia per</option>

if Request.Form("action")="Search" then


var i;
for (i=0; i<document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchOption.options.length; ++i)
if (document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchOption.options[i].value=='<%=Request.Form("SearchOption")%>')

for (i=0; i<document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchField.options.length; ++i)
if (document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchField.options[i].value=='<%=Request.Form("SearchField")%>')

end if

<input type=text size=20 name=SearchFor value="<%if Request.Form("action")="Search" then Response.Write Request.Form("SearchFor")%>">
<input type=button class=button name="SearchButton" value="Cerca"
onClick="javascript: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'Search';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit();" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold">
<input type=button class=button value="Vedi tutto"
onClick="javascript: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'Search';
document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchFor.value=''; document.forms.frmAdmin.submit();" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold">


<!-- How many records found-->
<td align=center class=shade>
Risultati trovati: <%=maxRecords%> <br>Pagina <%=mypage%> di <%=maxpages%>

<td align=center class=shade>
<!--Records per page-->
Risultati per pagina:<br>
<SELECT name=PageSizeSelect onChange="javascript: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value='pagesize'; document.forms.frmAdmin.PageSize.value = document.forms.frmAdmin.PageSizeSelect.options[document.forms.frmAdmin.PageSizeSelect.selectedIndex].value;document.forms.frmAdmin.submit();">
<OPTION value=10 <%if session("pagesize")=10 then Response.Write " selected"%>>10
<OPTION value=20 <%if session("pagesize")=20 then Response.Write " selected"%>>20
<OPTION value=30 <%if session("pagesize")=30 then Response.Write " selected"%>>30
<OPTION value=50 <%if session("pagesize")=50 then Response.Write " selected"%>>50
<OPTION value=100 <%if session("pagesize")=100 then Response.Write " selected"%>>100
<OPTION value=500 <%if session("pagesize")=500 then Response.Write " selected"%>>500

<script language="JavaScript">DisplayHeader();</script>

<% else %>

<% if CheckSecurity("", "Add")=True then %>
<!-- Add new record -->
<td align=center class='shade'>
<a href=dati_add.asp
onClick="javascript: document.forms.editform.action='dati_add.asp';
document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'add';
document.forms.editform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>; document.forms.editform.submit(); return false;" >Add new</a>
<% end if %>

<% end if %>

<% if not rs.eof then %>


end if

' quotes for search and edit fields
for i=0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=NeedQuotes" & BuildFieldName(rs.Fields(i).Name) & " value=" & strNeedQuotes & ">" & vbCRLF
if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField or rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField2 or rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField3 then
<script language="JavaScript">
document.forms.editform.NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(rs.Fields(i).Name)%>.value = "<%=strNeedQuotes%>";

if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField then if strNeedQuotes="True" then gstrQuote=GetQuote(rs.Fields(i).Name) else gstrQuote="" end if end if
if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField2 then if strNeedQuotes="True" then gstrQuote2=GetQuote(rs.Fields(i).Name) else gstrQuote2="" end if end if
if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField3 then if strNeedQuotes="True" then gstrQuote3=GetQuote(rs.Fields(i).Name) else gstrQuote3="" end if end if
end if


<!-- advanced search form -->
<form name=advsearch method=post action="dati_search.asp">
<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">

for i=0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=NeedQuotes" & BuildFieldName(rs.Fields(i).Name) & " value=" & strNeedQuotes & ">" & vbCrLF


<!-- export to form -->
<form target=_blank name=exportto method=post action="dati_export.asp">
<input type=hidden id=mypage name=mypage value=<%=CStr(TargetPageNumber)%>>
<input type=hidden id=pagesize name=pagesize value=<%=CStr(PageSize)%>>

<!-- printer-friendly form -->
<form target=_blank name=printerfriendly method=post action="dati_print.asp">
<input type=hidden id=mypage name=mypage value=<%=CStr(TargetPageNumber)%>>
<input type=hidden id=pagesize name=pagesize value=<%=CStr(PageSize)%>>

<!-- delete form -->
<form method="POST" action="dati_list.asp" name="deleteform">
<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">
<input type=hidden id="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField)%>" name="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField)%>" value="<%=IfNeedQuotes(rs.Fields(strKeyField).Type)%>">
<input type=hidden id="action" name="action" value="delete">
<input type="hidden" id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value=<%=TargetPageNumber%> >
<% if strKeyField2<>"" then %>
<input type=hidden id="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField2)%>" name="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField2)%>" value="<%=IfNeedQuotes(rs.Fields(strKeyField2).Type)%>">
<% end if %>
<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>
<input type=hidden id="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField3)%>" name="NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField3)%>" value="<%=IfNeedQuotes(rs.Fields(strKeyField3).Type)%>">
<% end if %>

<table align='center' width='95%' border='0' cellpadding=3 cellspacing=2>

if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then

if rs.eof then
Response.Write "<p>&nbsp;</p><p align=center><b>No records found</b></p>"

call WriteTableHeader

call loopRs(rs, CLng(PageSize))
end if

end if

Set rs = Nothing

<% if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then %>
<script language="JavaScript">WritePagination(<%=mypage%>,<%=maxpages%>);</script>
<% end if %>


function setupRs(strConnection,strSQL,nPageSize)


Set setupRs = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
set dbConnection = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
dbConnection.ConnectionString = strConnection

Call ReportError

setupRs.open strSQL,dbConnection
Call ReportError

' Pagination:
if NOT setupRs.EOF then
setupRs.PageSize =nPageSize
maxRecords = cdbl(setupRs.RecordCount)

if cdbl(mypage) > cdbl(maxpages) then
mypage = maxpages
End IF
setupRs.AbsolutePage = mypage
End IF

end function

sub WriteTableHeader
<tr CLASS="blackshade" valign=top>

<TD align=center><img src=images/icon_edit.gif></td>

<TD align=center><img src=images/icon_view.gif></td>

<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("ID").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("ID").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("ID").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("ID") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("ID","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("ID")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="ID" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("data").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("data").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("data").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("data") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("data","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("data")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="data" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("committente").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("committente").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("committente").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("committente") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("committente","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("committente")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="committente" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("mittente").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("mittente").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("mittente").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("mittente") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("mittente","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("mittente")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="mittente" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("indirizzo").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("indirizzo").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("indirizzo").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("indirizzo") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("indirizzo","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("indirizzo")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="indirizzo" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("localita").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("localita").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("localita").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("localita") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("localita","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("localita")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="localita" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("ddt").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("ddt").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("ddt").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("ddt") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("ddt","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("ddt")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="ddt" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("servizio").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("servizio").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("servizio").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("servizio") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("servizio","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("servizio")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="servizio" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("autista").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("autista").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("autista").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("autista") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("autista","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("autista")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="autista" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("destinatario").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("destinatario").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("destinatario").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("destinatario") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("destinatario","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("destinatario")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="destinatario" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("via").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("via").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("via").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("via") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("via","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("via")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="via" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("citta").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("citta").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("citta").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("citta") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("citta","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("citta")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="citta" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("colli").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("colli").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("colli").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("colli") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("colli","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("colli")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="colli" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("peso").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("peso").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("peso").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("peso") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("peso","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("peso")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="peso" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("volume").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("volume").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("volume").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("volume") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("volume","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("volume")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="volume" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("contrassegno").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("contrassegno").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("contrassegno").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("contrassegno") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("contrassegno","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("contrassegno")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="contrassegno" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("note").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("note").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("note").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("note") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("note","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("note")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="note" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("data_consegna").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("data_consegna").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("data_consegna").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("data_consegna") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("data_consegna","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("data_consegna")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="data_consegna" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


<table><tr><td class=blackshade>
<% if (rs.Fields("esito").Attributes and 128) and ( rs.Fields("esito").Type = 204 or rs.Fields("esito").Type=205 ) then
Response.Write Label("esito") & "</td>"
<a class=blackshade href="dati_list.asp" onClick="javascript:
document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';
document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=Replace("esito","'","\'")%>';
document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("esito")%>
if Request.Form("orderby")="esito" and strOrderImage<>"" then
Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"
end if

end if


end sub

' display table with results
sub loopRs(rs,nPageSize)

' Pagination:
dim iShadeTheDetail, iNumberOfRows, nColumns
iNumberOfRows = 0
if isObject(rs) then
' Pagination: UNTIL iNumberOfRows>=maxrecs
DO UNTIL rs.eof OR iNumberOfRows>=nPageSize

' To insure that every other one is shaded
If iShadeTheDetail = 0 then
sShadeClass = "class=shade"
iShadeTheDetail = 1
sShadeClass = ""
iShadeTheDetail = 0
End If
<tr valign=top

<%=sShadeClass%> onmouseover="rowRollover(<%=iNumberOfRows%>, 1);" onmouseout="rowRollover(<%=iNumberOfRows%>, 0);" id="tr_<%=iNumberOfRows%>" >

<td align=center>
nColumns = nColumns + 1
strOwnerID = RemoveWrappers("[]")
if strOwnerID<>"" then strOwnerID = rs(strOwnerID)
if CheckSecurity(strOwnerID, "Edit")=True then
<a href="dati_edit.asp"
onClick="javascript: document.forms.editform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>;
document.forms.editform.editid.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField))%>';
<% if strKeyField2<>"" then %>
document.forms.editform.editid2.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField2))%>';
<% end if %>
<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>
document.forms.editform.editid3.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField3))%>';
<% end if %>
document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'view';document.forms.editform.submit();
return false;" >Esito</a>
<% end if %>

<td align=center>
<a href="dati_view.asp"
onClick="javascript: document.forms.editform.action='dati_view.asp';
document.forms.editform.editid.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField))%>';
nColumns = nColumns + 1
if strKeyField2<>"" then %>
document.forms.editform.editid2.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField2))%>';
<% end if %>
<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>
document.forms.editform.editid3.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField3))%>';
<% end if %>
document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'readonly';document.forms.editform.submit();
return false;" >Visualizza</a>


if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("ID")) or Format("ID")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "ID", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("ID"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("data")) or Format("data")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "data", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("data"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("committente")) or Format("committente")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "committente", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("committente"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("mittente")) or Format("mittente")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "mittente", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("mittente"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("indirizzo")) or Format("indirizzo")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "indirizzo", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("indirizzo"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("localita")) or Format("localita")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "localita", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("localita"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("ddt")) or Format("ddt")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "ddt", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("ddt"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("servizio")) or Format("servizio")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "servizio", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("servizio"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("autista")) or Format("autista")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "autista", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("autista"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("destinatario")) or Format("destinatario")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "destinatario", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("destinatario"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("via")) or Format("via")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "via", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("via"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("citta")) or Format("citta")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "citta", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("citta"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("colli")) or Format("colli")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "colli", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("colli"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("peso")) or Format("peso")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "peso", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("peso"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("volume")) or Format("volume")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "volume", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("volume"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("contrassegno")) or Format("contrassegno")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "contrassegno", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("contrassegno"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("note")) or Format("note")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "note", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("note"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("data_consegna")) or Format("data_consegna")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "data_consegna", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("data_consegna"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("esito")) or Format("esito")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then
Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "esito", "")
strData = GetData(rs.Fields("esito"), "")

Response.Write ProcessLargeText(strData)

end if



iNumberOfRows = iNumberOfRows + 1

end if
end sub

Sub CalculateOrderBy

if Request.Form("action")="OrderBy" then
strOrderBy = " order by " & AddWrappers(Request.Form("orderby"))
if Len(Session(strTableName & "SQL"))>3 then
nInd = InStr(1, Session(strTableName & "SQL"),"order by ")

if nInd>0 then
if Left(Mid(Session(strTableName & "SQL"),nInd+Len("order by ")),Len(AddWrappers(Request.Form("orderby")))) = AddWrappers(Request.Form("orderby")) _
and Right(Session(strTableName & "SQL"),3) = "asc" then
strOrderBy = strOrderBy & " desc"
strOrderBy = strOrderBy & " asc"
end if
strOrderBy = strOrderBy & " asc"
end if
strOrderBy = strOrderBy & " asc"
end if

if right(strOrderBy,3)="asc" then
end if
strOrderBy = Request.Form("orderby")
if strOrderBy="" and Len(Session(strTableName & "SQL"))<3 then strOrderBy=gstrOrderBy
end if

End Sub

Function GetTotal(value, stype, iNumberOfRows, sFormat)

if sFormat = FORMAT_CURRENCY and value<>"" then
value = FormatCurrency(value)
elseif sFormat = FORMAT_NUMBER and value<>"" then
value = FormatNumber(CDbl(value), 2)
end if

if stype="COUNT" then GetTotal= "Count: " & CStr(iNumberOfRows)
if stype="TOTAL" then GetTotal = "Total: " & CStr(value)
if stype="AVERAGE" then GetTotal="Average: " & CStr(CDbl(value)/iNumberOfRows)

End Function

25 messaggi dal 19 febbraio 2007
Ciao, partendo dal presupposto che hai postato una cosa enorme e non l'ho guardata tutta tutta, mi sembra che se l'action richiesta è "Search" o "AdvancedSearch", crea una enorme  stringa SQL.

Io semplicemente aggiungerei (ma devi vedere se va bene lì) la stringa qui sotto in grassetto. Semplicemente quando hai finito di creare la stringa, ma PRIMA di aggiungere l'ORDER BY, ci appendi la clausola "committente = UserID".

if InStr(strSQL, " where ") > 0 then sWhere = " and (" & Mid(sWhere, 8) & " ) "
strSQL = strSQL & sWhere

<b>strSQL = strSQL & " AND committente = '" & Session("UserID") & " ";</b>

end if


Ciao Ciao

Azione, Reazione.
3 messaggi dal 27 febbraio 2007
scusa per l'enorme file che ho allegato, ma il problema non è da poco "per me" pensavo che scrivendo tutto il codice avrei agevolato le risposte..
Ho provato ad inserire il codice che mi hai suggerito, ma niente di fatto non si apre la pagina, il problema è che devo collegare una pagina di login al database delle spedizioni, partendo dal presupposto che tale pagina non fa riferimento a nessun database di registrazione ma bensì ad una pagina chiamata dati_variables.asp dove è riportato l'user e la password del database spedizioni.mdb. Devi sapere che queste pagine sono venute fuori da un programma automatico come "ASPRUNNER" il quale da un database di access ti tira fuori tutto il resto permettendo solo ad una "USER" fornita nella procedura di realizzazione di visualizzare il tutto. Se ti serve per risolvermi il caso potrei inviarti quello che vuoi...devo realizzarlo in tutti i modi!! grazie ancora per la disponibilità, ciao.

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