3 messaggi dal 06 maggio 2005

I'm french and i don't speack italian. So i'll try to eplain what i want in english ;).

The only thing that i would like to know is how or where can i download your control.

I've try it at http://www.xmlroot.it/ricciolo/textboxac/ and i would like to integrate in my dev.

Best regards,

3 messaggi dal 06 maggio 2005
Thanks a lot, i'll try it now.
3 messaggi dal 06 maggio 2005

When i try to execute your sample, nothing do.

If i look the source of the page in my explorer, there no event on the input.

If i try to include tbac in one of my projects, it doesn't work. The compillation is ok, but the same thing happends when i load the page : nothing.

Have you got any idea where it come from ?


Try samples in the sample directory. But them into a web application, put into the bin directory ClientPages.dll and run the page.
At the source html bottom, look for two <script /> and call src directly from your browser so you cann see if there are some errors.
If you want to use library in your project, you have to inherits your class from ASPItalia.com.ClientCallback.ClientPage


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