7 messaggi dal 22 luglio 2002
salve a tutti, per la prima volta mi sono cimenteto nella costruzione di un carrello della spesa, e credo di aver seguito alla lettera le indicazioni dello shopping cart di ultradev 4.01 (non sono ancora così padrone dell'asp da fare tutto da solo).
Il carrello della spesa porta ad un form che una volta riempito dovrebbe spedirmi una mail contenente gli ordini effettuati.
Ma la mail di conferma mi arriva vuota, o per meglio dire priva del contenuto del carrello.
Questo è il codice della pag form.asp<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%>
// UltraDev UCart include file Version 1.0
function UC_ShoppingCart(Name, cookieLifetime, colNames, colComputed) // Cart constructor
// Name is the name of this cart. This is not really used in this implementation.
// cookieLifeTime is in days. A value of 0 means do not use cookies.
// colNames is a list of column names (must contain: ProductID, Quantity, Price, Total)
// colComputed is a list of computed columns (zero length string means don't compute col.)

// Public methods or UC_Cart API
this.AddItem = UCaddItem; // Add an item to the cart
this.GetColumnValue = GetColumnValue; // Get a value from the cart
this.Destroy = UCDestroy; // remove all items, delete session, delete client cookie (if any)
this.SaveToDatabase = SaveToDatabase; // persist cart to database.
this.GetItemCount = GetItemCount; // the number of items in the cart.
this.Update = Update; // Update the cart quantities.
this.GetColumnTotal = GetColumnTotal; // Get the sum of a cart column for all items (e.g. price or shipping wt.).
this.GetContentsSerial = UCGetContentsSerial// Get the contents of the cart as a single delimited string
this.SetContentsSerial = UCSetContentsSerial// Set the contents of the cart from a serial string (obtained from GetContentsSerial)
this.GetColNamesSerial = UCGetColNamesSerial// Get the list of column names as a delimited string.

this.SC = null; // Cart data array
this.numCols = colNames.length;
this.colComputed= colComputed;
this.colNames = colNames;
this.Name = Name;
this.cookieLifetime = cookieLifetime;
this.bStoreCookie= (cookieLifetime != 0);

// (not used internally, but added to provide a place to store this data)
this.CustomerID = null;
this.OrderID = null;
this.Tax = null;
this.ShippingCost = null;

this.PRODUCTID= "ProductID"; // Required SKU cart column
this.QUANTITY = "Quantity"; // Required Quantity cart column
this.PRICE = "Price"; // Required Price cart column
this.TOTAL = "Total"; // Required Total column
this.cookieColDel = "#UC_C#"
this.cookieRowDel = "#UC_R#"

this.AssertCartValid = AssertCartValid

// Private methods - don't call these unless you understand the internals.
this.GetIndexOfColName = UCgetIndexOfColName;
this.GetDataFromBindings = UCgetDataFromBindings;
this.FindItem = UCfindItem;
this.ComputeItemTotals = ComputeItemTotals;
this.persist = UCpersist;

this.BuildInsertColumnList = BuildInsertColumnList;
this.BuildInsertValueList = BuildInsertValueList;
this.UpdateQuantities = UpdateQuantities;
this.UpdateTotals = UpdateTotals;
this.DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity = DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity;
this.CheckAddItemConfig = CheckAddItemConfig;
this.ColumnExistsInRS = ColumnExistsInRS;
this.DeleteLineItem = DeleteLineItem;
this.GetCookieName = GetCookieName;
this.SetCookie = SetCookie;
this.PopulateFromCookie = PopulateFromCookie;
this.DestroyCookie = UCDestroyCookie;

// Cart "internals" documentation:
// The this.SC datastructure is a single variable of type array.
// Each array element corresponds to a cart column. For example:
// Array element 1: ProductID
// Array element 2: Quantity
// Array element 3: Price
// Array elemetn 4: Total
// Each of these is an array. Each array index corresponds to a line item.
// As such, each array should always be exactly the same length.
this.AssertCartValid(colNames, "Cart Initialization: ");
if (Session(this.Name) != null) {
this.SC = Session(this.Name).SC;
} else {
this.SC = new Array(this.numCols);
for (var i = 0; i < this.numCols; i++) this.SC[i] = new Array();

// Since the cart doesn't exist in session, check for cookie from previous session
if (this.bStoreCookie){
cookieName = this.GetCookieName();
cookieStr = Request.Cookies(cookieName);
if (cookieStr != null && String(cookieStr) != "undefined" && cookieStr != "")
// Create a reference in the Session, pass the whole object (methods are not copied)

// convert vb style arrays to js style arrays.
function UC_VbToJsArray(a) {
if (a!=null && a.length==null) {
a = new VBArray(a);
a = a.toArray();
return a;

function UCpersist() {
Session(this.Name) = this;
if (this.bStoreCookie) this.SetCookie();

function UCDestroy(){
this.SC = new Array(this.numCols); // empty the "in-memory" cart.
for (var i = 0; i < this.numCols; i++) this.SC[i] = new Array();
if (this.bStoreCookie) this.DestroyCookie() // remove the cookie

function UCgetDataFromBindings(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) {
var values = new Array(bindingTypes.length)
for (i=0; i<bindingTypes.length; i++) {
var bindVal = bindingValues[i];
if (bindingTypes[i] == "RS"){
values[i] = String(adoRS(bindVal).Value)
if (values[i] == "undefined") values[i] = "";
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "FORM"){
values[i] = String(Request(bindVal))
if (values[i] == "undefined") values[i] = "";
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "LITERAL") values[i] = bindVal;
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "NONE") values[i] = ""; // no binding
else assert(false,"Unrecognized binding type: " + bindingTypes[i]); // Unrecognized binding type
return values;

function UCfindItem(bindingTypes, values){
// A product is a duplicate if it has the same unique ID
// AND all values from form bindings (except quantity) are the same
var indexProductID = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRODUCTID);
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
assert(indexProductID >=0, "UC_Cart.js: Internal error 143");
assert(indexQuantity >=0, "UC_Cart.js: Internal error 144");
var newRow = -1
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
found = true; // assume found
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != indexQuantity) {
if ((iCol==indexProductID) || (bindingTypes[iCol]=="FORM")) {
if (this.SC[iCol][iRow] != values[iCol]) {
found = false;
} }
} }
if (found) {
newRow = iRow;
return newRow

function UCaddItem(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues, alreadyInCart){
// alreadyInCart can be "increment" or "replace" to handle duplicate items in cart.
bindingTypes = UC_VbToJsArray(bindingTypes);
bindingValues = UC_VbToJsArray(bindingValues);

// Check that length of binding types/values arrays is consistent with cart configuration
assert(bindingTypes.length == this.numCols, "UCaddItem: Array length mismatch (internal error 403)");
assert(bindingValues.length == this.numCols, "UCaddItem: Array length mismatch (internal error 404)");

// debug call
//this.CheckAddItemConfig(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues);

var values = this.GetDataFromBindings(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) // get the actual values based on bindings
var newRow = this.FindItem(bindingTypes, values); // Check if this item is already in cart
if (newRow == -1) { // append a new item
newRow = this.GetItemCount();
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) { // add data
this.SC[iCol][newRow] = values[iCol];
this.ComputeItemTotals(newRow); // add computed columns (defined in colsComputed)
} else if (alreadyInCart == "increment") {
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow] = parseInt(this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow]) + parseInt(values[indexQuantity])
if (isNaN(this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow])) this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow] = 1;

function UCgetIndexOfColName(colName) {
var retIndex = -1;
for (var i=0; i<this.numCols; i++) {
if (this.colNames[i] == colName) {
retIndex = i;
return retIndex;

function ComputeItemTotals(row){
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var qty = parseInt(this.SC[indexQuantity][row])
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
var colToCompute = this.colComputed[iCol];
if (colToCompute != "") {
indexColToCompute = this.GetIndexOfColName(colToCompute);
this.SC[iCol][row] = parseFloat(this.SC[indexColToCompute][row]) * qty;

function CheckAddItemConfig(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) {
var ERR_SOURCE = "CheckAddItemConfig: "
var ERR_RS_BINDING_VALUE = "Column for Recordset binding does not exist in recordset";
// Check that all rs column names exist for rs binding types
for (var i = 0; i < bindingTypes.length; i++) {
if (bindingTypes[i] == "RS"){
assert(this.ColumnExistsInRS(adoRS, bindingValues[i]), ERR_SOURCE + bindingValues[i] + ": " + ERR_RS_BINDING_VALUE);

function ColumnExistsInRS(adoRS, colName) {
var bColExists = false;
var items = new Enumerator(adoRS.Fields);
while (!items.atEnd()) {
if (items.item().Name == colName){
bColExists = true;
return bColExists;

function GetColumnValue(colName, row){
var retValue = " ";
var indexCol = this.GetIndexOfColName(colName);
assert(!isNaN(row), "cart.GetColumnValue: row is not a number - row = " + row);
assert(indexCol >=0, "cart.GetColumnValue: Could not find column \"" + colName + "\" in the cart");
assert(row>=0, "cart.GetColumnValue: Bad row number input to cart - row = " + row);
assert(this.GetItemCount()>0, "cart.GetColumnValue: The cart is empty - the requested data is unavailable");
assert(row<this.GetItemCount(), "cart.GetColumnValue: The line item number is greater than the number of items in the cart - row = " + row + "; GetItemCount = " + this.GetItemCount());
if (this.GetItemCount()>0) {
retValue = this.SC[indexCol][row];
return retValue;

function UpdateQuantities(formElementName) {
var items = new Enumerator(Request.Form(formElementName))
var j = 0;
indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var qty = parseInt(items.item());
if (isNaN(qty) || qty < 0) {
this.SC[indexQuantity][j++] = 0
} else {
this.SC[indexQuantity][j++] = qty;

function UpdateTotals() {
// this would be a little more efficient by making the outer loop over cols rather than rows.
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {

function DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity() {
var tmpSC= new Array(this.numCols);
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) tmpSC[iCol] = new Array();

var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var iDest = 0;
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (this.SC[indexQuantity][iRow] != 0) {
for (iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
tmpSC[iCol][iDest] = this.SC[iCol][iRow];
this.SC = tmpSC;

function Update(formElementName){
// Get new quantity values from Request object.
// Assume they are all named the same, so you will get
// an array. The array length should be the same as the number
// of line items and in the same order.

function BuildInsertColumnList(orderIDCol, mappings){
var colList = orderIDCol;
for (var i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
if (mappings[i] != ""){
colList += ", " + mappings[i];
colList = "(" + colList + ")";
return colList;

function BuildInsertValueList(orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes, row){
var values = "";
if (orderIDColType == "num") {
values += orderIDVal;
} else {
values += "'" + orderIDVal.toString().replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";

for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++){
if (destCols[iCol] != "") {
if (destColTypes[iCol] == "num") {
assert(this.SC[iCol][row] != "", "SaveToDatabase: A numeric value is missing in the SQL statement in column " + this.colNames[iCol]);
values += ", " + this.SC[iCol][row];
} else {
values += ", '" + (this.SC[iCol][row]).toString().replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
values = "(" + values + ")";
return values;

function SaveToDatabase(adoConn, dbTable, orderIDCol, orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes){
// we are going to build SQL INSERT statements and
// throw it at the connection / table
// Similar to existing UD insert to database behavior
var ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH = "Array length must match the number of cart columns<BR>";
var ERR_TRANS = "An error occured when inserting cart items in the database. The transaction was rolled back<BR>";
destCols = UC_VbToJsArray(destCols);
destColTypes = UC_VbToJsArray(destColTypes);
assert (destCols.length == this.numCols, "SaveToDatabase: " + "destCols - " + ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH);
assert (destColTypes.length == this.numCols, "SaveToDatabase: " + "destColTypes - " + ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH);

var insertColList = this.BuildInsertColumnList(orderIDCol, destCols);

if (insertColList != "") { //proceed only if we have a column list
var insertClause = "INSERT INTO " + dbTable + " " + insertColList + " VALUES ";
var recs;
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++){
var valList = this.BuildInsertValueList(orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes, iRow);
var sql = insertClause + valList;
adoConn.Execute(sql, recs, 1 /*adCmdText*/);
if (adoConn.Errors.Count == 0){
this.Destroy();// All items saved to database, we can trash the cart
}else {
//assert(false, "SaveToDatabase: " + ERR_TRANS); Don't assert here - let ASP display the database error.

function GetItemCount(){
return this.SC[0].length

function GetColumnTotal(colName){
// Generic column Total function
var colTotal = 0.0;
index = this.GetIndexOfColName(colName);
for (var i=0; i<this.SC[index].length; i++)
colTotal += parseFloat(this.SC[index][i]);

return colTotal

function DeleteLineItem(row){
assert(!isNaN(row), "Failure in call to DeleteLineItem - row is not a number");
assert(row>=0 && row <this.GetItemCount(), "failure in call to DeleteLineItem (internal error 121)");

var tmpSC= new Array(this.numCols);
var iDest = 0;
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) tmpSC[iCol] = new Array();
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (iRow != row) {
for (iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
tmpSC[iCol][iDest] = this.SC[iCol][iRow];
this.SC = tmpSC;

function UCGetColNamesSerial(colDelim) {
var serialCols = "";
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != 0) serialCols += colDelim;
serialCols += this.colNames[iCol];
return serialCols;

function UCGetContentsSerial(colDelim, rowDelim) {
var serialCart = "";
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (iRow != 0) serialCart += rowDelim
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != 0) serialCart += colDelim;
serialCart += this.SC[iCol][iRow];
return serialCart;

function UCSetContentsSerial(serialCart, colDelim, rowDelim) {
var Rows = String(serialCart).split(rowDelim)
for (iRow = 0; iRow < Rows.length; iRow++) {
if (Rows[iRow] != "undefined" && Rows[iRow] != "") {
Cols = Rows[iRow].split(colDelim)
iCol = 0
for (iCol = 0; iCol<Cols.length; iCol++) {
this.SC[iCol][iRow] = Cols[iCol]

function SetCookie(){
var cookieName = this.GetCookieName()
var cookieStr = this.GetContentsSerial(this.cookieColDel, this.cookieRowDel)
var cookieExp = GetCookieExp(this.cookieLifetime)
Response.Cookies(cookieName) = cookieStr
Response.Cookies(cookieName).expires = cookieExp

function GetCookieName(){
var server = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME");
return server + this.Name;

function UCDestroyCookie(){
cookieName = this.GetCookieName();
Response.Cookies(cookieName) = ""
Response.Cookies(cookieName).expires = "1/1/90"

function PopulateFromCookie(cookieStr){
this.SetContentsSerial(cookieStr, this.cookieColDel, this.cookieRowDel)

// ***************** debug code ********************
function assert(bool, msg) {
if (!bool) {
Response.Write("<BR><BR>An error occured in the UltraDev shopping cart:<BR>" + msg + "<BR>");

function AssertCartValid(colNames, msg) {
// go through all cart data structures and insure consistency.
// For example all column arrays should be the same length.
// this function should be called often, especially just after
// makeing changes to the data structures (adding, deleting, etc.)
// also verify we always have the required columns:
// ProductID, Quantity, Price, Total

// the input arg is some I add as I code this package like
// "Prior to return from AddToCart"
var ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS = "Cookie settings on this page are inconsistent with those stored in the session cart<BR>";
var ERR_BAD_NAME = "Cart name defined on this page is inconsistent with the cart name stored in the session<BR>";
var ERR_COLUMN_COUNT = "The number of cart columns defined on this page is inconsistent with the cart stored in the session<BR>";
var ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMNS = "Too few columns; minimum number of columns is 4<BR>";
var ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME = "Required Column is missing or at the wrong offset: ";
var ERR_COLUMN_NAMES = "Cart column names defined on this page are inconsistent with the cart stored in the session";
var ERR_INCONSISTENT_ARRAY_LENGTH = "Length of the arrays passed to cart constructor are inconsistent<BR>"
var errMsg = "";
var sessCart = Session(this.Name);

if (sessCart != null) { // Validate inputs against session cart if it exists
if (sessCart.Name != this.Name) errMsg += ERR_BAD_NAME;
if (this.numCols < 4) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMNS;
if (sessCart.numCols != this.numCols) errMsg += "Column Name Array: " + ERR_COLUMN_COUNT;
if (sessCart.numCols != this.colComputed.length) errMsg += "Computed Column Array: " + ERR_COLUMN_COUNT;
if (sessCart.bStoreCookie != this.bStoreCookie) errMsg += "Using Cookies: " + ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS;
if (sessCart.cookieLifetime != this.cookieLifetime) errMsg += "Cookie Lifetime: " + ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS;

// check that required columns are in the same place
var productIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRODUCTID);
var quantityIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var priceIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRICE);
var totalIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.TOTAL);

if (colNames[productIndex] != "ProductID") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "ProductID<BR>";
if (colNames[quantityIndex] != "Quantity") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Quantity<BR>";
if (colNames[priceIndex] != "Price") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Price<BR>";
if (colNames[totalIndex] != "Total") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Total<BR>";
else { // if cart doesn't exist in session, validate input array lengths and presence of reqiured columns
if (this.numCols != this.colComputed.length) errMsg += ERR_INCONSISTENT_ARRAY_LENGTH;

var bProductID = false, bQuantity = false, bPrice = false, bTotal = false;

for (var j = 0; j < colNames.length; j++) {
if (colNames[j] == "ProductID") bProductID = true;
if (colNames[j] == "Quantity") bQuantity= true;
if (colNames[j] == "Price") bPrice = true;
if (colNames[j] == "Total") bTotal = true;
if (!bProductID) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "ProductID<BR>";
if (!bQuantity) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Quantity<BR>";
if (!bPrice) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Price<BR>";
if (!bTotal) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Total<BR>";

if (errMsg != "") {
Response.Write(msg + "<BR>");
Response.Write(errMsg + "<BR>");

function VBConstuctCart(Name, cookieLifetime, vbArrColNames, vbArrColComputed){
var myObj;
var a = new VBArray(vbArrColNames);
var b = new VBArray(vbArrColComputed);
eval("myObj = new UC_ShoppingCart(Name, cookieLifetime, a.toArray(), b.toArray())");
return myObj;
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript runat=server NAME="UC_CART">
Function GetCookieExp(expDays)
vDate = DateAdd("d", CInt(expDays), Now())
GetCookieExp = CStr(vDate)
End Function
function DoNumber(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoNumber = FormatNumber(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoCurrency(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoCurrency = FormatCurrency(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoDateTime(str, nNamedFormat, nLCID)
dim strRet
dim nOldLCID

strRet = str
If (nLCID > -1) Then
oldLCID = Session.LCID
End If

On Error Resume Next

If (nLCID > -1) Then
Session.LCID = nLCID
End If

If ((nLCID < 0) Or (Session.LCID = nLCID)) Then
strRet = FormatDateTime(str, nNamedFormat)
End If

If (nLCID > -1) Then
Session.LCID = oldLCID
End If

DoDateTime = strRet
End Function

function DoPercent(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoPercent = FormatPercent(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoTrim(str, side)
dim strRet
strRet = str

If (side = "left") Then
strRet = LTrim(str)
ElseIf (side = "right") Then
strRet = RTrim(str)
strRet = Trim(str)
End If
DoTrim = strRet
End Function
set UCCart1=VBConstuctCart("Carrello",1,UC_CartColNames,UC_ComputedCols)
<TITLE>Form Mail</TITLE>
<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="send.asp" NAME="Form">
<TABLE BORDER="0" width="33%" align="center">
<TD VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left" colspan="3"><font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#0000FF"><b>Indirizzo
<TD VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left" colspan="2">
<P><font size="1" face="Verdana">
<INPUT NAME="strfrom" SIZE="45">
   <font color="#0000FF">Inserire un indirizzo email corretto</font></font></P>
<TD VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left" colspan="3"><font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#0000FF"><b>Oggetto:</b></font></TD>
<TD VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left" colspan="2"> <font size="1" face="Verdana">
<INPUT NAME="strsubject" SIZE="45">
<TD VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left" colspan="3"><font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#0000FF"><b>Message:</b></font></TD>
<TD VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left" colspan="2"><font size="1" face="Verdana">
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="5">
<P ALIGN="center">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Invia Messaggio" NAME="Button" TABINDEX="1">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE=" Annulla " NAME="btnClear" TABINDEX="2">
<P ALIGN="center"> </P>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="7%">
<div align="center">Titolo</div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="10%">
<div align="center">Quantità</div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="8%">
<div align="center">Prezzo</div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="40%">
<div align="center">Totale</div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="35%">
<div align="center">Somma dei totali</div>
<% For UCCart1__i=0 To UCCart1.GetItemCount()-1 %>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="7%">
<div align="center"><%=(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Name",UCCart1__i))%></div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="10%">
<div align="center"><%=(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Quantity",UCCart1__i))%></div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="8%">
<div align="center"><%=(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Price",UCCart1__i))%></div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="40%">
<div align="center"><%=(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Total",UCCart1__i))%></div>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" width="35%">
<div align="center"><%=(UCCart1.GetColumnTotal("Total"))%></div>
<% Next 'UCCart1__i %>
E questa è la pag. send.ap
// UltraDev UCart include file Version 1.0
function UC_ShoppingCart(Name, cookieLifetime, colNames, colComputed) // Cart constructor
// Name is the name of this cart. This is not really used in this implementation.
// cookieLifeTime is in days. A value of 0 means do not use cookies.
// colNames is a list of column names (must contain: ProductID, Quantity, Price, Total)
// colComputed is a list of computed columns (zero length string means don't compute col.)

// Public methods or UC_Cart API
this.AddItem = UCaddItem; // Add an item to the cart
this.GetColumnValue = GetColumnValue; // Get a value from the cart
this.Destroy = UCDestroy; // remove all items, delete session, delete client cookie (if any)
this.SaveToDatabase = SaveToDatabase; // persist cart to database.
this.GetItemCount = GetItemCount; // the number of items in the cart.
this.Update = Update; // Update the cart quantities.
this.GetColumnTotal = GetColumnTotal; // Get the sum of a cart column for all items (e.g. price or shipping wt.).
this.GetContentsSerial = UCGetContentsSerial// Get the contents of the cart as a single delimited string
this.SetContentsSerial = UCSetContentsSerial// Set the contents of the cart from a serial string (obtained from GetContentsSerial)
this.GetColNamesSerial = UCGetColNamesSerial// Get the list of column names as a delimited string.

this.SC = null; // Cart data array
this.numCols = colNames.length;
this.colComputed= colComputed;
this.colNames = colNames;
this.Name = Name;
this.cookieLifetime = cookieLifetime;
this.bStoreCookie= (cookieLifetime != 0);

// (not used internally, but added to provide a place to store this data)
this.CustomerID = null;
this.OrderID = null;
this.Tax = null;
this.ShippingCost = null;

this.PRODUCTID= "ProductID"; // Required SKU cart column
this.QUANTITY = "Quantity"; // Required Quantity cart column
this.PRICE = "Price"; // Required Price cart column
this.TOTAL = "Total"; // Required Total column
this.cookieColDel = "#UC_C#"
this.cookieRowDel = "#UC_R#"

this.AssertCartValid = AssertCartValid

// Private methods - don't call these unless you understand the internals.
this.GetIndexOfColName = UCgetIndexOfColName;
this.GetDataFromBindings = UCgetDataFromBindings;
this.FindItem = UCfindItem;
this.ComputeItemTotals = ComputeItemTotals;
this.persist = UCpersist;

this.BuildInsertColumnList = BuildInsertColumnList;
this.BuildInsertValueList = BuildInsertValueList;
this.UpdateQuantities = UpdateQuantities;
this.UpdateTotals = UpdateTotals;
this.DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity = DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity;
this.CheckAddItemConfig = CheckAddItemConfig;
this.ColumnExistsInRS = ColumnExistsInRS;
this.DeleteLineItem = DeleteLineItem;
this.GetCookieName = GetCookieName;
this.SetCookie = SetCookie;
this.PopulateFromCookie = PopulateFromCookie;
this.DestroyCookie = UCDestroyCookie;

// Cart "internals" documentation:
// The this.SC datastructure is a single variable of type array.
// Each array element corresponds to a cart column. For example:
// Array element 1: ProductID
// Array element 2: Quantity
// Array element 3: Price
// Array elemetn 4: Total
// Each of these is an array. Each array index corresponds to a line item.
// As such, each array should always be exactly the same length.
this.AssertCartValid(colNames, "Cart Initialization: ");
if (Session(this.Name) != null) {
this.SC = Session(this.Name).SC;
} else {
this.SC = new Array(this.numCols);
for (var i = 0; i < this.numCols; i++) this.SC[i] = new Array();

// Since the cart doesn't exist in session, check for cookie from previous session
if (this.bStoreCookie){
cookieName = this.GetCookieName();
cookieStr = Request.Cookies(cookieName);
if (cookieStr != null && String(cookieStr) != "undefined" && cookieStr != "")
// Create a reference in the Session, pass the whole object (methods are not copied)

// convert vb style arrays to js style arrays.
function UC_VbToJsArray(a) {
if (a!=null && a.length==null) {
a = new VBArray(a);
a = a.toArray();
return a;

function UCpersist() {
Session(this.Name) = this;
if (this.bStoreCookie) this.SetCookie();

function UCDestroy(){
this.SC = new Array(this.numCols); // empty the "in-memory" cart.
for (var i = 0; i < this.numCols; i++) this.SC[i] = new Array();
if (this.bStoreCookie) this.DestroyCookie() // remove the cookie

function UCgetDataFromBindings(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) {
var values = new Array(bindingTypes.length)
for (i=0; i<bindingTypes.length; i++) {
var bindVal = bindingValues[i];
if (bindingTypes[i] == "RS"){
values[i] = String(adoRS(bindVal).Value)
if (values[i] == "undefined") values[i] = "";
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "FORM"){
values[i] = String(Request(bindVal))
if (values[i] == "undefined") values[i] = "";
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "LITERAL") values[i] = bindVal;
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "NONE") values[i] = ""; // no binding
else assert(false,"Unrecognized binding type: " + bindingTypes[i]); // Unrecognized binding type
return values;

function UCfindItem(bindingTypes, values){
// A product is a duplicate if it has the same unique ID
// AND all values from form bindings (except quantity) are the same
var indexProductID = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRODUCTID);
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
assert(indexProductID >=0, "UC_Cart.js: Internal error 143");
assert(indexQuantity >=0, "UC_Cart.js: Internal error 144");
var newRow = -1
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
found = true; // assume found
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != indexQuantity) {
if ((iCol==indexProductID) || (bindingTypes[iCol]=="FORM")) {
if (this.SC[iCol][iRow] != values[iCol]) {
found = false;
} }
} }
if (found) {
newRow = iRow;
return newRow

function UCaddItem(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues, alreadyInCart){
// alreadyInCart can be "increment" or "replace" to handle duplicate items in cart.
bindingTypes = UC_VbToJsArray(bindingTypes);
bindingValues = UC_VbToJsArray(bindingValues);

// Check that length of binding types/values arrays is consistent with cart configuration
assert(bindingTypes.length == this.numCols, "UCaddItem: Array length mismatch (internal error 403)");
assert(bindingValues.length == this.numCols, "UCaddItem: Array length mismatch (internal error 404)");

// debug call
//this.CheckAddItemConfig(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues);

var values = this.GetDataFromBindings(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) // get the actual values based on bindings
var newRow = this.FindItem(bindingTypes, values); // Check if this item is already in cart
if (newRow == -1) { // append a new item
newRow = this.GetItemCount();
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) { // add data
this.SC[iCol][newRow] = values[iCol];
this.ComputeItemTotals(newRow); // add computed columns (defined in colsComputed)
} else if (alreadyInCart == "increment") {
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow] = parseInt(this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow]) + parseInt(values[indexQuantity])
if (isNaN(this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow])) this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow] = 1;

function UCgetIndexOfColName(colName) {
var retIndex = -1;
for (var i=0; i<this.numCols; i++) {
if (this.colNames[i] == colName) {
retIndex = i;
return retIndex;

function ComputeItemTotals(row){
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var qty = parseInt(this.SC[indexQuantity][row])
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
var colToCompute = this.colComputed[iCol];
if (colToCompute != "") {
indexColToCompute = this.GetIndexOfColName(colToCompute);
this.SC[iCol][row] = parseFloat(this.SC[indexColToCompute][row]) * qty;

function CheckAddItemConfig(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) {
var ERR_SOURCE = "CheckAddItemConfig: "
var ERR_RS_BINDING_VALUE = "Column for Recordset binding does not exist in recordset";
// Check that all rs column names exist for rs binding types
for (var i = 0; i < bindingTypes.length; i++) {
if (bindingTypes[i] == "RS"){
assert(this.ColumnExistsInRS(adoRS, bindingValues[i]), ERR_SOURCE + bindingValues[i] + ": " + ERR_RS_BINDING_VALUE);

function ColumnExistsInRS(adoRS, colName) {
var bColExists = false;
var items = new Enumerator(adoRS.Fields);
while (!items.atEnd()) {
if (items.item().Name == colName){
bColExists = true;
return bColExists;

function GetColumnValue(colName, row){
var retValue = " ";
var indexCol = this.GetIndexOfColName(colName);
assert(!isNaN(row), "cart.GetColumnValue: row is not a number - row = " + row);
assert(indexCol >=0, "cart.GetColumnValue: Could not find column \"" + colName + "\" in the cart");
assert(row>=0, "cart.GetColumnValue: Bad row number input to cart - row = " + row);
assert(this.GetItemCount()>0, "cart.GetColumnValue: The cart is empty - the requested data is unavailable");
assert(row<this.GetItemCount(), "cart.GetColumnValue: The line item number is greater than the number of items in the cart - row = " + row + "; GetItemCount = " + this.GetItemCount());
if (this.GetItemCount()>0) {
retValue = this.SC[indexCol][row];
return retValue;

function UpdateQuantities(formElementName) {
var items = new Enumerator(Request.Form(formElementName))
var j = 0;
indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var qty = parseInt(items.item());
if (isNaN(qty) || qty < 0) {
this.SC[indexQuantity][j++] = 0
} else {
this.SC[indexQuantity][j++] = qty;

function UpdateTotals() {
// this would be a little more efficient by making the outer loop over cols rather than rows.
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {

function DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity() {
var tmpSC= new Array(this.numCols);
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) tmpSC[iCol] = new Array();

var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var iDest = 0;
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (this.SC[indexQuantity][iRow] != 0) {
for (iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
tmpSC[iCol][iDest] = this.SC[iCol][iRow];
this.SC = tmpSC;

function Update(formElementName){
// Get new quantity values from Request object.
// Assume they are all named the same, so you will get
// an array. The array length should be the same as the number
// of line items and in the same order.

function BuildInsertColumnList(orderIDCol, mappings){
var colList = orderIDCol;
for (var i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
if (mappings[i] != ""){
colList += ", " + mappings[i];
colList = "(" + colList + ")";
return colList;

function BuildInsertValueList(orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes, row){
var values = "";
if (orderIDColType == "num") {
values += orderIDVal;
} else {
values += "'" + orderIDVal.toString().replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";

for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++){
if (destCols[iCol] != "") {
if (destColTypes[iCol] == "num") {
assert(this.SC[iCol][row] != "", "SaveToDatabase: A numeric value is missing in the SQL statement in column " + this.colNames[iCol]);
values += ", " + this.SC[iCol][row];
} else {
values += ", '" + (this.SC[iCol][row]).toString().replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
values = "(" + values + ")";
return values;

function SaveToDatabase(adoConn, dbTable, orderIDCol, orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes){
// we are going to build SQL INSERT statements and
// throw it at the connection / table
// Similar to existing UD insert to database behavior
var ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH = "Array length must match the number of cart columns<BR>";
var ERR_TRANS = "An error occured when inserting cart items in the database. The transaction was rolled back<BR>";
destCols = UC_VbToJsArray(destCols);
destColTypes = UC_VbToJsArray(destColTypes);
assert (destCols.length == this.numCols, "SaveToDatabase: " + "destCols - " + ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH);
assert (destColTypes.length == this.numCols, "SaveToDatabase: " + "destColTypes - " + ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH);

var insertColList = this.BuildInsertColumnList(orderIDCol, destCols);

if (insertColList != "") { //proceed only if we have a column list
var insertClause = "INSERT INTO " + dbTable + " " + insertColList + " VALUES ";
var recs;
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++){
var valList = this.BuildInsertValueList(orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes, iRow);
var sql = insertClause + valList;
adoConn.Execute(sql, recs, 1 /*adCmdText*/);
if (adoConn.Errors.Count == 0){
this.Destroy();// All items saved to database, we can trash the cart
}else {
//assert(false, "SaveToDatabase: " + ERR_TRANS); Don't assert here - let ASP display the database error.

function GetItemCount(){
return this.SC[0].length

function GetColumnTotal(colName){
// Generic column Total function
var colTotal = 0.0;
index = this.GetIndexOfColName(colName);
for (var i=0; i<this.SC[index].length; i++)
colTotal += parseFloat(this.SC[index][i]);

return colTotal

function DeleteLineItem(row){
assert(!isNaN(row), "Failure in call to DeleteLineItem - row is not a number");
assert(row>=0 && row <this.GetItemCount(), "failure in call to DeleteLineItem (internal error 121)");

var tmpSC= new Array(this.numCols);
var iDest = 0;
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) tmpSC[iCol] = new Array();
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (iRow != row) {
for (iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
tmpSC[iCol][iDest] = this.SC[iCol][iRow];
this.SC = tmpSC;

function UCGetColNamesSerial(colDelim) {
var serialCols = "";
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != 0) serialCols += colDelim;
serialCols += this.colNames[iCol];
return serialCols;

function UCGetContentsSerial(colDelim, rowDelim) {
var serialCart = "";
for (var iRow=0; iRow<this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (iRow != 0) serialCart += rowDelim
for (var iCol=0; iCol<this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != 0) serialCart += colDelim;
serialCart += this.SC[iCol][iRow];
return serialCart;

function UCSetContentsSerial(serialCart, colDelim, rowDelim) {
var Rows = String(serialCart).split(rowDelim)
for (iRow = 0; iRow < Rows.length; iRow++) {
if (Rows[iRow] != "undefined" && Rows[iRow] != "") {
Cols = Rows[iRow].split(colDelim)
iCol = 0
for (iCol = 0; iCol<Cols.length; iCol++) {
this.SC[iCol][iRow] = Cols[iCol]

function SetCookie(){
var cookieName = this.GetCookieName()
var cookieStr = this.GetContentsSerial(this.cookieColDel, this.cookieRowDel)
var cookieExp = GetCookieExp(this.cookieLifetime)
Response.Cookies(cookieName) = cookieStr
Response.Cookies(cookieName).expires = cookieExp

function GetCookieName(){
var server = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME");
return server + this.Name;

function UCDestroyCookie(){
cookieName = this.GetCookieName();
Response.Cookies(cookieName) = ""
Response.Cookies(cookieName).expires = "1/1/90"

function PopulateFromCookie(cookieStr){
this.SetContentsSerial(cookieStr, this.cookieColDel, this.cookieRowDel)

// ***************** debug code ********************
function assert(bool, msg) {
if (!bool) {
Response.Write("<BR><BR>An error occured in the UltraDev shopping cart:<BR>" + msg + "<BR>");

function AssertCartValid(colNames, msg) {
// go through all cart data structures and insure consistency.
// For example all column arrays should be the same length.
// this function should be called often, especially just after
// makeing changes to the data structures (adding, deleting, etc.)
// also verify we always have the required columns:
// ProductID, Quantity, Price, Total

// the input arg is some I add as I code this package like
// "Prior to return from AddToCart"
var ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS = "Cookie settings on this page are inconsistent with those stored in the session cart<BR>";
var ERR_BAD_NAME = "Cart name defined on this page is inconsistent with the cart name stored in the session<BR>";
var ERR_COLUMN_COUNT = "The number of cart columns defined on this page is inconsistent with the cart stored in the session<BR>";
var ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMNS = "Too few columns; minimum number of columns is 4<BR>";
var ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME = "Required Column is missing or at the wrong offset: ";
var ERR_COLUMN_NAMES = "Cart column names defined on this page are inconsistent with the cart stored in the session";
var ERR_INCONSISTENT_ARRAY_LENGTH = "Length of the arrays passed to cart constructor are inconsistent<BR>"
var errMsg = "";
var sessCart = Session(this.Name);

if (sessCart != null) { // Validate inputs against session cart if it exists
if (sessCart.Name != this.Name) errMsg += ERR_BAD_NAME;
if (this.numCols < 4) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMNS;
if (sessCart.numCols != this.numCols) errMsg += "Column Name Array: " + ERR_COLUMN_COUNT;
if (sessCart.numCols != this.colComputed.length) errMsg += "Computed Column Array: " + ERR_COLUMN_COUNT;
if (sessCart.bStoreCookie != this.bStoreCookie) errMsg += "Using Cookies: " + ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS;
if (sessCart.cookieLifetime != this.cookieLifetime) errMsg += "Cookie Lifetime: " + ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS;

// check that required columns are in the same place
var productIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRODUCTID);
var quantityIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var priceIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRICE);
var totalIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.TOTAL);

if (colNames[productIndex] != "ProductID") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "ProductID<BR>";
if (colNames[quantityIndex] != "Quantity") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Quantity<BR>";
if (colNames[priceIndex] != "Price") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Price<BR>";
if (colNames[totalIndex] != "Total") errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Total<BR>";
else { // if cart doesn't exist in session, validate input array lengths and presence of reqiured columns
if (this.numCols != this.colComputed.length) errMsg += ERR_INCONSISTENT_ARRAY_LENGTH;

var bProductID = false, bQuantity = false, bPrice = false, bTotal = false;

for (var j = 0; j < colNames.length; j++) {
if (colNames[j] == "ProductID") bProductID = true;
if (colNames[j] == "Quantity") bQuantity= true;
if (colNames[j] == "Price") bPrice = true;
if (colNames[j] == "Total") bTotal = true;
if (!bProductID) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "ProductID<BR>";
if (!bQuantity) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Quantity<BR>";
if (!bPrice) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Price<BR>";
if (!bTotal) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Total<BR>";

if (errMsg != "") {
Response.Write(msg + "<BR>");
Response.Write(errMsg + "<BR>");

function VBConstuctCart(Name, cookieLifetime, vbArrColNames, vbArrColComputed){
var myObj;
var a = new VBArray(vbArrColNames);
var b = new VBArray(vbArrColComputed);
eval("myObj = new UC_ShoppingCart(Name, cookieLifetime, a.toArray(), b.toArray())");
return myObj;
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript runat=server NAME="UC_CART">
Function GetCookieExp(expDays)
vDate = DateAdd("d", CInt(expDays), Now())
GetCookieExp = CStr(vDate)
End Function
function DoNumber(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoNumber = FormatNumber(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoCurrency(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoCurrency = FormatCurrency(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoDateTime(str, nNamedFormat, nLCID)
dim strRet
dim nOldLCID

strRet = str
If (nLCID > -1) Then
oldLCID = Session.LCID
End If

On Error Resume Next

If (nLCID > -1) Then
Session.LCID = nLCID
End If

If ((nLCID < 0) Or (Session.LCID = nLCID)) Then
strRet = FormatDateTime(str, nNamedFormat)
End If

If (nLCID > -1) Then
Session.LCID = oldLCID
End If

DoDateTime = strRet
End Function

function DoPercent(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoPercent = FormatPercent(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoTrim(str, side)
dim strRet
strRet = str

If (side = "left") Then
strRet = LTrim(str)
ElseIf (side = "right") Then
strRet = RTrim(str)
strRet = Trim(str)
End If
DoTrim = strRet
End Function
set UCCart1=VBConstuctCart("Carrello",1,UC_CartColNames,UC_ComputedCols)
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
If request("Button")="Invia Messaggio" then

response.write("Grazie per aver effeuato l'ordine, verrete ricontattati al più presto")

Dim iMsg

Dim iConf

Dim Flds

Dim strHTML

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2

set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

Set Flds = iConf.Fields

' CDOSYS configuration for SMTP server.

With Flds

.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort

'ToDo: Enter name or IP address of remote SMTP server.

.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = ""

.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 10


End With

' Build HTML for message body.

strHTML = "<HTML>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<HEAD>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<BODY>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<p>" & request("strmessage") & "</p></br>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<p><b>Titolo:</b> " & request(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Name",UCCart1__i)) & "</p>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<p><b>Quantità:</b> " & request(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Quantity",UCCart1__i)) & "</p>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<p><b>Prezzo:</b> " & request(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Price",UCCart1__i)) & "</p>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<p><b>Totale:</b> " & request(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Total",UCCart1__i)) & "</p>"

strHTML = strHTML & "<p><b>Totale:</b> " & request(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Total",UCCart1__i)) & "</p>"

strHTML = strHTML & "</BODY>"

strHTML = strHTML & "</HTML>"

' Apply the settings to the message.

With iMsg

Set .Configuration = iConf

.To = "cirociri1@virgilio.it" 'Inserire tra gli apici un indirizzo email del destinatario

.From = request("strfrom")

.Subject = request("strsubject")

.HTMLBody = strHTML


End With

' Clean up variables.

Set iMsg = Nothing

Set iConf = Nothing

Set Flds = Nothing


response.write("Il servizio di invio email è momentaneamente sospeso, per qualsiasi informazione vi preghiamo di rivolgervi a info@test.it")

end if

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