81 messaggi dal 30 giugno 2013
Ciao Certamente
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_LayoutRightSideBar.cshtml";
    ViewBag.Title = Html.LanguageString("About.PageTitle");

@section side

Nemmeno io capisco perche non trova la pagina

Giuseppe TopGan
Admministratore & Creatore
https://www.topgan.it & https://topgan.altervista.org/forum
81 messaggi dal 30 giugno 2013
Ciao Andrea ti metto due righe di codice che forse possono aiutare che si trovano nella pagina _Layout.cshtml la quale viene sempre richiamata da tutte le pagine:
TempData[AppConstants.CurrentAction] = ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action").ToLower();
TempData[AppConstants.CurrentController] = ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller").ToLower();

Giuseppe TopGan
Admministratore & Creatore
https://www.topgan.it & https://topgan.altervista.org/forum
244 messaggi dal 22 gennaio 2017
Ciao, non trovo errori nel tuo codice.
Potresti provare a creare una nuova webpages e vedere se funziona.
Non ho altre idee.
81 messaggi dal 30 giugno 2013
ciao se creo una nuova pagina Index, oppure una con un nome gia esistente nella cartella home funziona tutto.
Mentre se creo una pagina con un nome diverso che non esisteva non funziona.
Non è che posso scrivere un controllo della home il quale poi si accoda a quello che non riusciamo a trovare?
Si come posso fare?

Giuseppe TopGan
Admministratore & Creatore
https://www.topgan.it & https://topgan.altervista.org/forum
81 messaggi dal 30 giugno 2013
Ciao sono riuscito a trovare il codice sorgente del controllo che posto qui:
namespace MVCForum.Website.Controllers
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Domain.Constants;
    using Domain.DomainModel;
    using Domain.DomainModel.Activity;
    using Domain.DomainModel.Enums;
    using Domain.Interfaces.Services;
    using Domain.Interfaces.UnitOfWork;
    using Application;
    using ViewModels;
    using RssItem = Domain.DomainModel.RssItem;

    public partial class HomeController : BaseController
        private readonly ITopicService _topicService;
        private readonly ICategoryService _categoryService;
        private readonly IActivityService _activityService;

        public HomeController(ILoggingService loggingService, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager, IActivityService activityService, IMembershipService membershipService,
            ITopicService topicService, ILocalizationService localizationService, IRoleService roleService,
            ISettingsService settingsService, ICategoryService categoryService, ICacheService cacheService)
            : base(loggingService, unitOfWorkManager, membershipService, localizationService, roleService, settingsService, cacheService)
            _topicService = topicService;
            _categoryService = categoryService;
            _activityService = activityService;

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

        public ActionResult Leaderboard()
            return View();

        public ActionResult Following()

            return View();

        public ActionResult PostedIn()
            return View();

        public ActionResult TermsAndConditions()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                var settings = SettingsService.GetSettings();
                var viewModel = new TermsAndConditionsViewModel
                    Agree = false,
                    TermsAndConditions = settings.TermsAndConditions
                return View(viewModel);

        public ActionResult TermsAndConditions(TermsAndConditionsViewModel viewmodel)
            using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var user = MembershipService.GetUser(LoggedOnReadOnlyUser.Id);
                    user.HasAgreedToTermsAndConditions = viewmodel.Agree;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(viewmodel);

        public ActionResult Activity(int? p)
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // Set the page index
                var pageIndex = p ?? 1;

                // Get the topics
                var activities = _activityService.GetPagedGroupedActivities(pageIndex, SettingsService.GetSettings().ActivitiesPerPage);

                // create the view model
                var viewModel = new AllRecentActivitiesViewModel
                    Activities = activities,
                    PageIndex = pageIndex,
                    TotalCount = activities.TotalCount,

                return View(viewModel);

        [OutputCache(Duration = (int)CacheTimes.TwoHours)]
        public ActionResult LatestRss()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // Allowed Categories for a guest - As that's all we want latest RSS to show
                var guestRole = RoleService.GetRole(AppConstants.GuestRoleName);
                var allowedCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(guestRole);

                // get an rss lit ready
                var rssTopics = new List<RssItem>();

                // Get the latest topics
                var topics = _topicService.GetRecentRssTopics(50, allowedCategories);

                // Get all the categories for this topic collection
                var categories = topics.Select(x => x.Category).Distinct();

                // create permissions
                var permissions = new Dictionary<Category, PermissionSet>();

                // loop through the categories and get the permissions
                foreach (var category in categories)
                    var permissionSet = RoleService.GetPermissions(category, UsersRole);
                    permissions.Add(category, permissionSet);

                // Now loop through the topics and remove any that user does not have permission for
                foreach (var topic in topics)
                    // Get the permissions for this topic via its parent category
                    var permission = permissions[topic.Category];

                    // Add only topics user has permission to
                    if (!permission[SiteConstants.Instance.PermissionDenyAccess].IsTicked)
                        if (topic.Posts.Any())
                            var firstOrDefault = topic.Posts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsTopicStarter);
                            if (firstOrDefault != null)
                                rssTopics.Add(new RssItem { Description = firstOrDefault.PostContent, Link = topic.NiceUrl, Title = topic.Name, PublishedDate = topic.CreateDate });

                return new RssResult(rssTopics, LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Title"), LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Description"));

        [OutputCache(Duration = (int)CacheTimes.TwoHours)]
        public ActionResult ActivityRss()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // get an rss lit ready
                var rssActivities = new List<RssItem>();

                var activities = _activityService.GetAll(50).OrderByDescending(x => x.ActivityMapped.Timestamp);

                var activityLink = Url.Action("Activity");

                // Now loop through the topics and remove any that user does not have permission for
                foreach (var activity in activities)
                    if (activity is BadgeActivity)
                        var badgeActivity = activity as BadgeActivity;
                        rssActivities.Add(new RssItem
                            Description = badgeActivity.Badge.Description,
                            Title = string.Concat(badgeActivity.User.UserName, " ", LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.UserAwardedBadge"), " ", badgeActivity.Badge.DisplayName, " ", LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.Badge")),
                            PublishedDate = badgeActivity.ActivityMapped.Timestamp,
                            RssImage = AppHelpers.ReturnBadgeUrl(badgeActivity.Badge.Image),
                            Link = activityLink
                    else if (activity is MemberJoinedActivity)
                        var memberJoinedActivity = activity as MemberJoinedActivity;
                        rssActivities.Add(new RssItem
                            Description = string.Empty,
                            Title = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.UserJoined"),
                            PublishedDate = memberJoinedActivity.ActivityMapped.Timestamp,
                            RssImage = memberJoinedActivity.User.MemberImage(SiteConstants.Instance.GravatarPostSize),
                            Link = activityLink
                    else if (activity is ProfileUpdatedActivity)
                        var profileUpdatedActivity = activity as ProfileUpdatedActivity;
                        rssActivities.Add(new RssItem
                            Description = string.Empty,
                            Title = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.ProfileUpdated"),
                            PublishedDate = profileUpdatedActivity.ActivityMapped.Timestamp,
                            RssImage = profileUpdatedActivity.User.MemberImage(SiteConstants.Instance.GravatarPostSize),
                            Link = activityLink


                return new RssResult(rssActivities, LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Title"), LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Description"));

        [OutputCache(Duration = (int)CacheTimes.TwoHours)]
        public ActionResult GoogleSitemap()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // Allowed Categories for a guest
                var guestRole = RoleService.GetRole(AppConstants.GuestRoleName);
                var allowedCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(guestRole);

                // Get all topics that a guest has access to
                var allTopics = _topicService.GetAll(allowedCategories);

                // Sitemap holder
                var sitemap = new List<SitemapEntry>();

                // ##### TOPICS
                foreach (var topic in allTopics.Where(x => x.LastPost != null))
                    var sitemapEntry = new SitemapEntry
                        Name = topic.Name,
                        Url = topic.NiceUrl,
                        LastUpdated = topic.LastPost.DateEdited,
                        ChangeFrequency = SiteMapChangeFreqency.daily,
                        Priority = "0.6"

                return new GoogleSitemapResult(sitemap);

        [OutputCache(Duration = (int)CacheTimes.TwoHours)]
        public ActionResult GoogleMemberSitemap()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // get all members profiles
                var members = MembershipService.GetAll();

                // Sitemap holder
                var sitemap = new List<SitemapEntry>();

                // #### MEMBERS
                foreach (var member in members)
                    var sitemapEntry = new SitemapEntry
                        Name = member.UserName,
                        Url = member.NiceUrl,
                        LastUpdated = member.CreateDate,
                        ChangeFrequency = SiteMapChangeFreqency.weekly,
                        Priority = "0.4"

                return new GoogleSitemapResult(sitemap);

        [OutputCache(Duration = (int)CacheTimes.TwoHours)]
        public ActionResult GoogleCategorySitemap()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // Allowed Categories for a guest
                var guestRole = RoleService.GetRole(AppConstants.GuestRoleName);
                var allowedCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(guestRole);

                // Sitemap holder
                var sitemap = new List<SitemapEntry>();

                // #### CATEGORIES
                foreach (var category in allowedCategories)
                    // Get last post 
                    var topic = category.Topics.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPost.DateEdited).FirstOrDefault();
                    var sitemapEntry = new SitemapEntry
                        Name = category.Name,
                        Url = category.NiceUrl,
                        LastUpdated = topic?.LastPost.DateEdited ?? category.DateCreated,
                        ChangeFrequency = SiteMapChangeFreqency.monthly

                return new GoogleSitemapResult(sitemap);

Ora prendendo spunto da questo posso creare un integrazione con un codice da inserire nella cartella App_Code in modo che mi riconosca la mia nuova pagina?
come posso fare?

Giuseppe TopGan
Admministratore & Creatore
https://www.topgan.it & https://topgan.altervista.org/forum
244 messaggi dal 22 gennaio 2017
Con la cartella App_Code non è possibile utilizzare i Controller
81 messaggi dal 30 giugno 2013
Ciao E allora come si può fare?
In un'altra carella se mai?
Modificato da TopGan il 30 novembre 2017 22.19 -

Giuseppe TopGan
Admministratore & Creatore
https://www.topgan.it & https://topgan.altervista.org/forum

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