843 messaggi dal 08 aprile 2009
Sto provando a certificare la mia app ma di punto in bianco la certificazione da questo errore:
Background tasks cancelation handler
Error Found: The background tasks cancelation handler validation detected the following errors:
Cannot launch App
Impact if not fixed: An app that fails to handle cancelation request to background tasks, which will result in being force terminated. 
How to fix: Background tasks need to implement cancelation event handler.

Platform version launch
Error Found: The high OS version validation detected the following errors:
Cannot launch App
Cannot launch App
The app xxx failed platform version launch test.
Impact if not fixed: The app should not use version information to provide functionality that is specific to the OS. 
How to fix: Please use recommended methods to check for available functionality in the OS. See the link below for more information.
Operating System Version

App launch
Error Found: The app launch test detected the following errors:
Cannot launch App
Cannot launch App
Impact if not fixed: An app that fails to launch presents a poor user experience, and will not be accepted by the Windows Store. 
How to fix: Investigate and debug the app to identify and fix the problem.
Troubleshooting App launch

io non riesco proprio a capire

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